~In the words of the Grammar Snob.....I tend to curse and make little things seem like BIG FREAKING THINGS and overreact and think the world revolves around me. BUT! I can be sweet and charming sometimes. You should focus on those times.~

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey all! I wish I had time to update everyone individually, but life is crazy! School started August 14th. I am so tired! This school schedule is awesome and SUCKY all at the same time! Cori goes all day Kinder and is doing well. She was very tired at first, but has started to adjust to the long day. Ethan is at the same school as Cori, in the morning for preschool. He loves his teachers and talks about them constantly! He only goes Mon-Thurs and he's always disapointed on Friday when I don't take him to school! I volunteer in the kids' classrooms on Mondays which has been fun the last couple weeks. I'm supposed to have a little time in the morning while the C&E are gone to play w/ Georgia, but SHE SLEEPS THE WHOLE TIME! So I'm a little disapointed by that. She is just so sweet and I love spending time with her.

Did I mention I am tired? I should be napping now instead of typing this, but I'm not. I'm still teaching Coupon $ense classes. They are going well. Our family is gearing up for a big holiday season of donating! Our stockpile is crazy as usual! I am also selling Mary Kay cosmetics now and have really enjoyed it so far. I have been neglecting my skin for so long and now my face feels so nice!

Allen is working a lot......still.........nothing new.......can you tell how excited I am about this?

This is a short horrible update! Sorry, but I just don't have it in me! LOL

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ode To Wish Bone Raspberry Hazelnut Vinagarette Dressing

I like salads. I've always liked salads. Any kind of salad really. But it was about the vegetables. I really love veggies! Dressing was not a big thing to me. I use whatever we get free (or SUPER SUPER cheap) w/ coupons. Usually something light and see-through. Well a while ago I was able to get some wish bone dressing for 25cents each and happened to pick up the RHV. OMGosh I cannot describe to you HOW MUCH I like this stuff. I ate salad like 3 times everyday just so I could eat this dressing! I ran out of the dressing today and as the last drop squeezed out a really disturbing thought crossed my mind. I though "I wonder if I could put water in the bottle and drink it". I'm considering paying full price for this dressing! Sad, very sad. And kinda scary! It's time to walk away from the dressing!

Saturday, August 5, 2006

I took Cori to do a research study today. It was another toy study. She did one not too long ago and got a big Cinderella doll and $20. Today she got a neat polly pocket jewelry making set and $15, which she promptly spent on a computer at twice as nice. She saved money for her tithe and savings, so I can't complain. I just wish I knew how to teach her better money management! I don't want her growing up like me! We were at Twice as Nice trying to get some more credit out of the clothes I had in my trunk. I got about $10, which was enough to buy Cori an outfit and Ethan a couple of nice shirts. It's nice to be able to get them clothes this way! Today was Allen's last day working for Camp Sky-Y and he and I went up there for the end of the year party. The weather was SO NICE in Prescott! Allen fought me tooth and nail when I told him I wanted to go to the party. That made me want to go even more because he was being so secrative about it. It's not that I don't trust him, but he wouldn't give me any info about where he was going to be and how late he'd be out (I need SOMETHING to tell the cops if I have to file a missing persons report! LOL). Thankfully my mom was very supportive and took the kids so I could go w/ him. We had a nice time walking around the camp. We plan on going back for family camp next year.
Todya I put out a bunch of stuff for a donation truck. I forgot about it last night (duh) so I wasn't able to get one of the heavier items out to the curb. Thank goodness the Suburban is running again and Allen can just take it down to DI later. I decluttered a bunch of clothes from closets and boxes and seperated them into winter and summer clothes. I took the winter stuff to Kid to Kid to get some credit (plus some of the bigger baby items the Georgie is no longer using like her Johnny Jumper). Was able to get Cori and Ethan a pair of shoes for school and Cori a book for her leappad w/ my credit! I really like Kid to Kid better than Other Mothers or any other 2nd hand store I've been to. It's very clean and organized and the manager is SO NICE. After they went through all my stuff they seperated my stuff into two different boxes. One box of stuff that they wouldn't take because it was soiled and one box that they would happily take in a month or two when the store was cleared out a little more. Makes it very easy for me to keep that one box and get rid of the other crap! Then we went to Basha's. The kids played in the Cubhouse while I organized my coupons a little more and then got some of the free stuff this week! I really love Basha's and that Cub House. Makes for a sane mommy! LOL Now the baby is w/ my mom and the other two are sleeping. We're waiting for daddy to get home so we can go to the Diamondbacks game. We have FREE 6th row tickets, near first base and a free parking pass! My aunt has several sets of season tickets, so she usually gives us tickets for at least 10 games, but not usually the BEST SEATS! We usually sit a little further up! I'm really looking forward to it! I love baseball and my kids love any live sporting event! LOL


We're home from the game! OMGosh it was good! AZ was playing the Houston Astros. Allen is not a sports fan so he made us leave after the 7th inning (actually I'm surprised he sat that long!). AZ was up 14 to 10 when we left! It was a very exciting game! Ethan got a t-shirt! They were throwing them and one landed in his seat. The man behind us tried to take it from him! When Allen took it the man then complained that he wasn't able to have the shirt! WHO ON EARTH would take a shirt from a kid??????????????? Dummy! Our seats were better than I thought. A little higher up, but closer to homeplate than 1st! Many foul balls came in our direction!